Our goal is to assess the combination of Cell Painting, transcriptomics and proteomics in a variety of cell models for safety assessment, using hepatotoxicity as test case
About Us
At a Glance:
The ‘Omics for Assessing Signatures for Integrated Safety (OASIS) Consortium was officially convened in July 2023 between the non-profit Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) and the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. The Consortium is supported by an award from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC), in synergy with partnered resources and expertise from industry partners and in-kind contributions from academic, government, NGO, and biotech partners. This exciting effort engages >60 global experts in toxicology, cell biology, bioinformatics, risk assessment, and assay development from more from 15 academic institutes, 7 government agencies, 16 industry organizations, and 2 non-government organizations.

Dr. Anne Carpenter
Broad Institute
Public Sector Lead

Dr. David Rouquie
Bayer Crop Science
AgChem Sector Co-Lead

Dr. Srijit Seal
Broad Institute

Dr. Jessica Ewald
Broad Institute
Steering Committee

Dr. Shantanu Singh
Broad Institute
MLSC Award Lead PI CP Data Extraction Workstream Lead

Dr. Jess LaRocca
Compound and In vivo Data Workstream Lead, Agchem Sector Co-Lead

Dr. Josh Harrill
Study Design Workstream Lead, Public Sector Lead

Dr. Andreas Bender
Cambridge University
Integrative Data Analysis Workstream Lead

Dr. Aaron Fullerton
Pharma Sector Co-Lead

Dr. Sabah Kadri
Pharma Sector Co-Lead

Dr. Nicole Kleinstreuer
qIVIVE Workstream co-lead

Dr. Nynke Kramer
Wageningen University
qIVIVE Workstream co-lead

Dr. Deidre Dalmas
eSTAR Chair Liaison
HESI Staff

Chrissy Crute, PhD

Connie Mitchell, MS

Syril Pettit, DrPH

Liisa Koskii, MS